Monday, 23 May 2016


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In the weekend my books I got out from the library about baking for dog's and raw nutrition for dog's were due back so we went to the library and returned them but I wanted to look for more books and the baking for dog's book was really good and I am going to use some of those recipes in my book because they had a lot of really good recipes. I also found another big book about dogs but I only used a few pages out of that. The next day mum took me to her work and we photocopied all the pages I wanted out of the books, so now I have a lot of pages of information. Mum said that we don’t have to have an exact number for my budget but I need to find out a bit more about how much these things will cost before I make a budget. I am allowed to use my friend Olivia’s small dog for my experiment. Our friends have also said that I can use their old golden retriever and our other friends said I can also use their young golden retriever. I need to plan a mentor meeting because it is the fourth week so I can arrange a mentor meeting so that is good but I need to look at the list of things that Victoria gave me first.

Monday, 16 May 2016


Eighth Entry ~ 16/5

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My mum is coming home tonight so am going to talk to her about making a budget, because I want to start testing things soon. My nanny is here this afternoon and I don't have music theory so I will be able to talk to her. My nanny Lisa said that she will try to take photos of all the things that Lulu eats for breakfast and dinner. Lisa has shown me a few photos of what Lulu eats already and it is really interesting seeing what she eats and compare it to what Nero eats and what is in his food. Yesterday while my brothers were at their friend's house my dad took me and Nero to Animates because he really stinks( they have a DIY dog wash there and Nero hated it), and he also needed some more dog food. There were so many different types of dog food there. I am going to talk to mum and try to make a budget tonight and over the week, but I will need to find out how much money all the everything will cost and how much I think I will be able to give back to her, so I we can figure out a good budget that will work.

Thursday, 12 May 2016


Seventh Entry ~13/ 5 

Colourful Triangles Number Seven PNG Clipart ImageYesterday I found out that the website that Alice and I were using to create our books wasn't going to work because you couldn't put photos on, only on the front page, so that didn't work. Alice went through a bunch of different websites to try and find one that would work. She found one and sent me the link. We are using the photo book set up because it is a lot better than the recipe book one. I really want to start testing soon, but I need to wait until my mum gets home from where ever she is. I am going to quite busy soon but I will try to get some more done.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016


10/5 ~ Sixth Entry

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I have been researching about how I could make a book,. My mum said she is going to give me a budget which I will workout with her and my mentor when I need to start buying things. One of my friends Alice has shown me a website where you can make recipe books, and then print them at a special place. It will be a lot cheaper to do this rather then get it properly published, and this will still look very good. Lulu has started eating fish heads and whole fish at a time. My nanny Lisa is going to send me photos of Lulu’s food that she gets and I will post them on my blog. I am going to start testing soon because I want lots of time to make the book and recipes. I am starting to get really excited for this. We have shared what we did in the holidays with everyone in our class and most people who were testing  things have started by now so I really want to start testing things soon because that will be really fun. I am still trying to find out how much of what things dogs need in their diet. Victoria is going to get her dad to try and find a recipe he used with his dog's when she was little so I can try that out.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016


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Yesterday I had my first mentor meeting. That was really good. I have got a list of things that would be good to do. Victoria said that maybe publishishing a book would be very expensive, so I am going to look into maybe I could make the book and go to a printing shop and get it printed there. I have asked the other girls at school today about whether anyone has a fussy dog, (because Lulu and Nero will eat almost anything, so it would be good to have a dog that is more particular about their food) and quite a few people said that their dog is fussy so I can always ask them if I need to. I think I am going alright at the moment, and I am getting really excited about doing this.

Sunday, 1 May 2016


2/5 ~
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Today I have found out that Zelle’s step dad, father is a vet and so I am going to try to contact him and see whether that will help me at all. I have also found out that the basic food groups for dogs are protein, vitamins, fat and water. I am in the process of finding out how much of each food group they need to eat per day of week but it it very hard to find out because when I type it into google it always comes up with how many scoops of dry dog food made by factories, which is not what I want. Tomorrow is my first mentor meeting which is exciting I am going to tell her what I have done so far, I will show her my blog, ask about the recipe she told me about, and if she thinks I can contact her father. I have come across a challenge that is that it is going to be really expensive to do all these tests, I am also going to discuss this with my mentor. I have an idea that I once I have figured out what recipes are going to be in the book, I could sell dog meals that I have created to give my parents some of the money back that I will owe them and once the recipe book is made I could also sell some copies of that. So far I think I am going alright, I will need to start testing on dog's soon so I will have time to create the book.